Tuesday, April 13, 2010

big apple craving (nom nom nom)

this easter just passed marks three years since I was in new york, two years since I was in italy and two years since i was anywhere but here. wah wah wah.
but seriously, everyone seems to be in new york at the moment. two of my close friends, a few other friends and acquaintances with another couple heading between may and august.  new york is clearly the new london, and having been there twice in the last 5 years makes it very easy to be jealous because i know exactly what i'm missing out on. at least i haven't been to london since i was a kid so could convince myself that i wasn't missing out on that much. and yes i am completely aware that i am really lucky to have a family that has taken me on a lovely new york holiday twice, plus a couple of other great ones, and i treasure the memories of the times we've had away together (lame but very true).

i also know that the reality of 'living the dream' in new york is often far from that when you factor in rent, extreme weather and minimum-wage pay. but it still kills me a bit that (by my own choice) i have another 2 and a half years of uni left before i can go and start my own adventure.
despite having a research proposal due tomorrow, i've spent the morning looking up flights. assuming my friends aren't doing an australian dash over christmas, i think i might go over after exams / around my birthday. because there is nothing in this world greater than new york city at christmastime.

p.s. i cannot wait to see the strokes again in july

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