Monday, September 27, 2010

Friday, July 9, 2010

perfect winter day

today I:

- slept in
- saw my best friend for the first time in awhile and hung out all morning
- went out for lunch with said friend: one glass of wine, two matching meals and a bowl of chips in the middle (aren't we cute) (don't you love a symmetrical table-top)
- received the season of dexter i'm up to
- watched an episode with the afternoon sun coming through the window
- had one hour swedish massage funded by mum
- ate a delicious dinner cooked by my papa
- kicked back in pj pants and a corduroy shirt while watching an old roy orbison concert on tv.

and now i will conclude the evening with some more dexter.

Tuesday, June 15, 2010


why can't people write original movies anymore? the latest movie to fall victim to an (announced) re-make is the 80s classic 'don't tell mom the baby-sitter's dead'. 
obviously it's no 'sixteen candles' and most of the appeal comes from the bad 80s outfits. but why can't these movies just be left alone? i can only imagine how revolting this re make would be-- christina applegate's character will probably design some sort of ed hardy looking line. ugh.


Friday, June 4, 2010

dial up and you'll miss it

so since living out of home i have had pre paid internet, which is a total rip off buuuut convenient in my current situation. however, i have become all too aware that looking at lots of pictures chews up my credit. combined with the end of uni semester i somehow missed knowing about the existence of these balenciaga masterpieces until i saw them in a magazine.

part librarian, part carol brady's kitchen, i am utterly obsessed, yet will no doubt die a little inside if wittner or similar tries to bring out some sort of copy. 

niccy babe, you've done it again.

R.I.P. (thank you for being a friend)

i was so sad to hear today that rue mcclanahan has died, i love the golden girls.
gay demographic aside, the golden girls is a show that nobody of my generation really seemed to get into in australia. probably because (like 'i love lucy') it was never on afternoon tv as re-runs all the time as it is in the states.  of course it is on foxtel now, but everyone seems to think its a dumb show about old ladies and skips right past it, unawares that they're passing up on a truly funny show.

mcclanahan played sassy (i hate that word but she actually was), man-eating (as much as you can be when you're 60) southern belle blanche devereaux.


Sunday, May 16, 2010


i just came across these pictures of amanda seyfried for teen vogue and i love them. she has quite the bombshell body and looks like a 90s guess girl in these shots.

actually, i'm really loving this girl as a whole lately. yes, "dear john" was a cheese-fest" (although i still quite liked it) and i didn't even try watching "jennifer's body", but i'm interested in watching her career unfold.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

גם זה יעבור

(kerry tribe, untitled, 2002)

so many things are average at the moment, luckily my family and best friends are amazing.

Tuesday, May 4, 2010


you may be a big fish
in a little pond

doesn't mean you've won

___   ___   ___

(just because i'm losing, doesn't mean i'm lost)

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

guilty pleasure


despite claiming to hate wedges, i'm currently checking my email at least twice a day to see if these shoes have come in.

however, a recent visit from tilly and subsequent 'wedge' discussions has uncovered that its actually the "summer wedge" (ie corky/strappy/muley) that we so despise. 

the same visit confirmed the fact that we go to see miley cyrus movies BECAUSE miley is in them, yet 15 minutes into every such movie we realise we'd enjoy it so much more if someone else had been cast. go figure.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

i'm only brave when i have to be

besides a hug, there is nothing in the entire world more comforting to me than watching the lion king.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

big apple craving (nom nom nom)

this easter just passed marks three years since I was in new york, two years since I was in italy and two years since i was anywhere but here. wah wah wah.
but seriously, everyone seems to be in new york at the moment. two of my close friends, a few other friends and acquaintances with another couple heading between may and august.  new york is clearly the new london, and having been there twice in the last 5 years makes it very easy to be jealous because i know exactly what i'm missing out on. at least i haven't been to london since i was a kid so could convince myself that i wasn't missing out on that much. and yes i am completely aware that i am really lucky to have a family that has taken me on a lovely new york holiday twice, plus a couple of other great ones, and i treasure the memories of the times we've had away together (lame but very true).

i also know that the reality of 'living the dream' in new york is often far from that when you factor in rent, extreme weather and minimum-wage pay. but it still kills me a bit that (by my own choice) i have another 2 and a half years of uni left before i can go and start my own adventure.
despite having a research proposal due tomorrow, i've spent the morning looking up flights. assuming my friends aren't doing an australian dash over christmas, i think i might go over after exams / around my birthday. because there is nothing in this world greater than new york city at christmastime.

p.s. i cannot wait to see the strokes again in july

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

c'est bon

after 39 tense days (yes, the poster with its feb 25th release date is burned into my memory) of walking past the verona cinema thinking i'd SURELY go and see 'a single man' tommorrow night, or at least that weekend, i finally went tonight.

grainy, under-saturated shots, a haunting score and lovely furniture throughout. i could watch this movie on an endless loop.

p.s. i also enjoyed the cast and storyline.

p.p.s the fact that i have seemingly prioritised furniture over cast and storyline indicates that at 22, i have 93% turned into my mother.

Friday, April 2, 2010

bibbity bloggety boo

so it seems that everybody that's not a "DJ" or "model" (cue facebook albums full of photos you have paid to have done) is a "blogger". all through my high school years i kept scrapbooks and folders, full of magazine tear outs and the odd photo i'd taken on black-and-white film (yeah, aaaarty). i would labour over the layout for hours on end, and still can't bring myself to get rid of them, despite the high prevalence of (rachel zoe-era) lindsay lohan red carpet photos.
anyway, this is actually my third take at starting a blog, but every time i start i see someone else's self indulgent website and it makes me so sick i stop. that said, i need something other than facebook to waste time, because let's face it, there are only so many times you can hit refresh on that thing without actually wanting to kill yourself.
